Kikuchi Gohan Mokko Co., Ltd. is a maker specialized in the wooden fixtures materials of a Japanese-style room.
We have the history of 60 years, and the customers in Japan are major housing companies.
KIKUCHI JAPAN is a brand name of our product of the overseas project that we started from 2007.
We sell shoji screens in Moscow and other cities in Russia.
We are continuing the sales promotion of Washitsu in various parts of Europe.

EstablishedDecember 16, 1960
shoji screens, sliding paper-doors, free board of laminated lumber,
the Japanese-style room fixtures materials, etc.
PresidentSeiichi Kikuchi
OfficeKikuchi Gohan Mokko Co. Ltd.,
82-3 Takasaki Aza Satoshita, Gojome-machi, Minami-Akita-gun,
Akita-ken 018-1711 JAPAN
TEL:+81-18-852-4105 / FAX:+81-18-852-4991